U4. Architecture as Composition

You have to choose the right place before starting construction , because the place plays a big role in architecture

Relation of CAMOUFLAGE

The relation of the building with the place is of interdependence and integration ,

Relation of ORGANICISM

This and the next are nice

The relationship between the place and the building that gives the place great value to the building.


Different building types have different goals for the type of space they want to create.

It is the duty of the architect to choose the right place for construction because the place plays a big role , And now we’ll see some quotes from some architects ..

The space within the building is the reality of that building.
»Frank Lloyd Wright»

The internal space, that space that (…) cannot be completely represented in any
form, neither learned nor lived, but by direct experience, is the protagonist of the
architectural fact. (…)
The four facades of a house, of a church, of a palace, however beautiful, constitute
nothing more than the box in which the architectural jewel is included (…) In every
building, what it contains is the box of walls, the content is the internal space.
‘Bruno Zevi»


Classic space is characterised by closure and pressure because the historical architecture was characterised by the huge wall

Spaces without a centre


There are many options with rhythm in architecture visible in plan , by separating windows in the wall ,and columns in a colonnade ,..


Regular arrangement of the parts or pt of a figure in relation to a centre axis or plan..


Relationship of supremacy of an element over others based on an established approach .


A unitary element which serves as a proportional unit , and which is repeated on the same scale or at different scales.
