About me

Hello My name is Ouijdane Lamnasra and i’m in the first year of Architecture in the Polytechnic University of Valencia Group E , Team 6 .This blog is one of the activities we have to do in Introduction Architecture »IAR»

So let’s talk a little about me , i’m a person who loves music a lot , especially the piano .When i play piano i feel free , positive and inspired .

Other than that, I’m someone who loves animales especially cats and dogs , Although my personality may not indicate it, I rather enjoy spending my time with animals over people. Animals simply understand. They are constantly there to keep me happy and they are aware of when never and whatever i need it , i have 2 at home »Rocky , Bella»

The fact that I have the most loving and supportive family in the world is my greatest blessing; without them, I never would have been able to go through all the difficult periods in my life. Leaving home is difficult because it means leaving family and friends for the studies and the most important thing that i have my best friend and my cousin in one person , i love her so much .

This is when we were seven years old in my Birthday party

I also enjoy photography and singing , so let show some pisctures

Soo this is me ouijdane and i hope you like my Blog .